Chia Seed Oil – Chia comes the Nahautl word chian, which means “oily. This oil is a true health and beauty agent. Chia seed oil is chockfull with omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and bone-building minerals, along with anti-cancer properties.
With gigantic health benefits chia seed oil is a good for maintaining low blood pressure and hardens the bones. It has copious amount phosphorus, a mineral that is critical in protein synthesis, also vital for healthy cell and tissue function and growth.
Chia seed oil serum is a great source beauty enhancement products. It is used for moisturizing the entire body. Using chia seed oil ads glow to the face, reduces fine lines and makes the skin looks younger and vibrant. Its antioxidants, including chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid, as well as myricetin, quercetin, and kaempferol flavonoids, these components offer protection from environmental stressors.
Chia seed oil is super food; all across the globe people are adding this oil to cold foods like salads and canapés,
Recommendation from Vintage Aroma – Add this super food oil to your cold foods like salads for ultimate health benefits.
Industries – FMCG, health, pharmaceutical, beauty
New Product Scope –
Cooking oils
Salad dressings
Skin tonics
Skin enhancement oils
Skin creams
Bone building products
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